Anyways me had great fun in these vacations!!! Want to have a look?

Yes... mera intezaar finally finished! I was waiting for the exams to finish and it was just the 10th day after my exams finished and this was my bike in my hands!
Yes its the very first look, just outside the dealer's, I know it doesnt suit me too much(past tense)!
Anyways this was my long awaited Bajaj Avenger 200cc and the rest of the month was pre-occupied in learning how to ride the bike!
But stil was having loads of fun with friends as well....
Lots on lots of fun... Just to beat the heat, coz its tooh hot na here in Mumbai, but people like me, heat? Irony right?
I just whiled away my vacations chillllingg out!!!
You wanna see that too?
Have a look!

Funny na?
I know but we are strange people!
Just have a look at him!
Actually thats no real girl(too dumb of me to introduce na?)
Anyways thats the picture inside the mens washroom in Club Link!!! And look at him so romantic na???
You saw him na? Now see Me and Dhruvil upto some mischief....

Actually that was not something I did on purpose, that was a media intrusion into my privacy!!!!
Sorry but there is no censor board on blogger.com otherwise my blog would have been rated C-Grade!
Anyways this was precisely what we did on the first few days of our vacations! I mean not checking out washrooms of restuarants and clubs, but rather having fun!!!
We even had night-outs... Got some pics of that as well, but will get back with it later!
Until then just dont reply on these SLEAZY posts!!!
Take care :)